Lippard, C. D. and C. A. Gallagher, Eds. (2011). Being brown in Dixie: race, ethnicity, and Latino immigration in the new South. Latinos : exploring diversity and change. Boulder, Colo., FirstForumPress.
This edited volume examines how Latin populations in the US South have challenged and changed traditional conceptions of race, making comparisons with similar struggles faced by African Americans. The authors explore the extent to which the Black-White dichotomy of the US South has been disrupted, challenged and (possibly) changed through Latino life and work experiences of race relations in the South. The authors operationalize the idea of community through the ideas of community backlash and new gateway communities, and research methods in this volume include ethnographies, interviews, survey research, and secondary data analysis. Two particular chapters which are of interest for thinking about community are: 'Integrating into new communities: the Latino perspective' (Lacy) and 'Success stories: proactive community responses to immigration' (Baker and Harris).